Productivity & Collaboration

Create and edit docs, spreadsheets, and presentations right in your browser. Multiple people can work at the same time, and every change is saved automatically.


In this module you will be learning about Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, Google's productivity suite that lets you create and format text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and collaborate with other people in real time.


  • Create a Google Doc, Sheet, and Slides Presentation from scratch
  • Upload Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents and convert them to their respective Google format
  • Edit a Google Doc, Sheet, and Slides Presentation using Google's editing tools.
  • Invite other people to collaborate on a document with you, giving them editing privileges
  • View your document's revision history and revert to any previous version
  • Share your file(s) with collaborators and viewers
  • Download a Google Doc, Sheet, and Slides Presentation to your computer and save it in an alternate format (.doc, .xls, .ppt, .pdf, etc.)
  • Evaluate Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides as a cloud-based productivity suite

Student Responsibilities: Please review the linked resources below, complete the tasks, and share your thoughts on Google Classroom.

Tasks: Choose any TWO from the menu below


    • Create a Faculty Meeting Agenda using Google Docs (or upload and convert a Word document)
    • Experiment with Google's editing tools by adjusting margins, spacing, fonts, colors, etc.
    • Invite a colleague to collaborate on a document with you, giving them editing privileges
    • View your document's revision history and roll back to any previous version
    • Download a Google document to your desktop as a Word document or PDF


    • Create a new spreadsheet (or upload and convert an Excel spreadsheet) to create a Staff Directory with the following column headings:
      • Column A: Last Name
      • Column B: First Name
      • Column C: email address
      • Column D: phone number
    • Alternatively, create a spreadsheet for a task that you find practical to your work as an administrator (budget, documentation, etc.).
    • Experiment with Google's editing tools by merging cells, wrapping text within cells, etc.
    • Invite a colleague to collaborate on a spreadsheet with you, giving them editing privileges
    • View your document's revision history and roll back to any previous version
    • Download your spreadsheet as Excel or PDF


    • Create a Faculty Meeting Presentation using Google Slides (or upload and convert a PowerPoint presentation)
    • Experiment with Google's editing tools by inserting images, videos, and links, as well as changing the theme and adding transitions between slides
    • Invite a colleague to collaborate on a presentation with you, giving them editing privileges
    • View your document's revision history and roll back to any previous version
    • Download your presentation as a PowerPoint or PDF

Discuss: Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share the links to your Google Doc, Sheets, and/or Slides Presentation (Make sure your Share settings allow "anyone with the link" to view).
    • Share your thoughts on the positive/negative aspects of using Google Apps to collaborate and communicate with your colleagues, students, and families, and how you might integrate these tools into your leadership. Be specific about the tasks you would transform (i.e Faculty Meeting agendas and presentations, administrative meetings, teacher evaluations, etc.).
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note.

Link to Google Classroom