Communication Strategies

Using Google for your communications routine allows you to access all of the tools through a single username, with seamless data integration between the various tools. The communications methods you use depends on what you want to accomplish.


In this Module, you will learn how to use a variety of Google's communication tools including Sites, Classroom, and Blogger to stay connected with stakeholder.



    • Create a website
    • Add and edit pages with text, images, links, calendars, documents, and multimedia elements
    • Customize site layout and appearance
    • Share your site for internal or external use


    • Set-up a Classroom and share a Class Code to enroll users
    • Post Announcements and allow users to comment
    • Post Assignments for users to paperlessly complete tasks
    • Upload digital documents for users to access


    • Set up and publish a blog
    • Edit blog settings and user profile
    • Manage blog settings
    • Evaluate Blogger as a communication tool

Student Responsibilities: Please review the linked resources below, complete the tasks, and share your thoughts on Google Classroom.




Tasks: Choose any TWO from the menu below


    • Create a "Principal's Page" informational website for an audience of either faculty, parents, and/or students using Google Sites.
    • Experiment with Google's editing tools:
      • add text, images, and links
      • add multiple pages as needed
      • customize the theme and banner of your Site
      • insert a Calendar, YouTube video, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides as appropriate
    • Publish your Site


    • Set up a Google Classroom to facilitate a PLC. Alternatively, set up a Google Classroom as a vehicle for communication and collaboration among your entire faculty, various departments, or committees
    • Invite your staff to enroll in your class as "students" with your Classroom's Class Code
    • Post an Announcement with at least one attachment and solicit comments from your "students"
    • Post an Assignment with an attached Google Doc and invite your "students" to edit the document (hint: create a Google Doc with a table prior to attaching it to the assignment)
    • Upload materials to the About page for your "students" to access


    • Create a Blog to communicate with your stakeholders using Blogger
    • Experiment with Google's editing tools by including text, images, links, and/or video.
    • Experiment with the visual theme of your blog and update your user profile
    • Publish at least two posts and include tags/labels to make your posts searchable within your blog.

Discuss: Complete the following on Google Classroom.

    • Share any relevant links to your Sites, Classroom, and/or Blogger publications.
    • Share your thoughts on the positive/negative aspects of using G Suite to collaborate and communicate with your colleagues, students, and families, and how you might integrate these tool into your leadership.
    • Feel free to comment on at least one other student's note.

Link to Google Classroom