2023-2024 Center Stage

2023-2024 Game Details

Here is the official video that outlines the rules and guidelines for this year's FTC Center Stage challenge:

The Challenge:

The objective of the challenge is to score more points than the opposing team or alliance. There are amultitude of ways you can score points, however the most common way is by moving and pacing pixels on the backbord. When placing pixels you can form mosaics, which is either three pixels of one color or three pixels that are diffent colors. You can also earn extra points by lauching an drone or paper airplane a certain distance and having your robot hang on the trough (bars in the middle) at the end of the match.

Our Robot:

Our robot named "gnocchi" tackled all aspects of the competition and was designed entirely using Soldiworks. It was able to move around freely using mechanum drive along with being able to place pixels on the backboard, shoot a drone, and hang at the end of the match. Our robot was built using all either custom metal CNC parts or custom 3-D printed parts.

Meet the Team:


Captain     Head Programmer     Head Engineer Secretary

     Marvel Zheng           Clara Fang       Nick Franklin      Jake Bluestein


Ary Banerjee      Alex Lu      Jonny Tang      Sanjay Vijay      Connor Weiss 


Brian Podolskiy      Advith Yarlagadda      Irith Midha      

     Henry Warren      Khoi Pham        Devam Gajjar


Jonathan Lin      Hadi Rehmani      Nicolas Lokuta      Pranav Khurana      Andrew Fang

Claire Gao      Rudra Agarawal      Aditya Anand      Jacob Blacksburg      Anh Dao      Vatsal Goel


Claire D'silva      Yina Wang      Nic Halio      Kitt Whitmore      Tiago Gargoloff

Simra Ali      Shiron Bagchi       Matthew Bello      Ibsham Bhatra      Ad Zahran      Ted Burk        

Ayush Warke      Natalie Travassos      Ethan GilmoreWahlberg      Richard Liu      Richard Li      Austin Li      


Steve Wojick      Jeffery Warren      Josh Tang

as of May 24th 2024