Westfield Public Schools

April 2025 Facilities Bond Referendum

An Investment in our Students' Future

The Westfield Public School District is excited to present Westfield residents with the opportunity to vote on a comprehensive facilities bond referendum in April 2025. This initiative reflects the district’s unwavering commitment to maintaining safe, sustainable, and future-ready schools.

The proposed projects in the bond referendum are the result of a thorough assessment of all district buildings and grounds by our architect and his team, as well as extensive input from the community.  These projects aim to address critical infrastructure needs, modernize learning environments, and ensure that our schools remain capable of supporting high-quality education for every student. Additionally, valuable feedback from the Referendum Community Advisory Committee and the broader school community has shaped the scope of the proposal.

We expect to hear from the State regarding debt service aid in January 2025. This aid will be a key factor in determining the final scope of the referendum and its total cost to be shared in February 2025.

This portal marks the beginning of an extensive communications campaign designed to keep residents informed and engaged in the lead-up to the referendum. The district’s presentation below outlines all potential projects, based on identified facility and space needs. 

Check back often, as this portal will be regularly updated with new details about the bond referendum and the 2025-2026  school district operating budget.


A bond referendum is a public vote.  This type of vote asks the community whether a school district can sell bonds to finance large-scale projects that do not fit into the annual operating budget.


It's time to move beyond band-aid fixes for long-needed renovations and upgrades. By investing in long-term solutions, we can ensure safe, modern learning spaces that truly support the needs of students and staff. 


Our students.  Our staff.  Our school community.  The projects included in this bond referendum ensure dynamic  learning environments that support long-term educational goals and community growth.


February 2025:  Bond Referendum finalized, after State debt service aid determined.

April 2025:  Public vote on bond referendum, operating budget, and school board candidates.

District Presentation - September 17, 2024
