The April 15 budget vote and bond referendum proposes investments in strong foundations. This 8-minute video breaks down the ballot and explains how proposed projects would address pressing needs for buildings and instructional space.
In less than two minutes, learn the main points of Westfield's bond referendum.
How to Vote Via Mail-In Ballots
Mail-in ballots will be extra convenient for this budget vote and bond referendum. It’s never too early to send in the application for a vote by mail ballot – but there are deadlines that make it too late.
Forms, directions and deadlines are on the How to Vote page of this portal.
Adding Instructional Space
Like many school districts in the country, Westfield has an increased need for the kind of one-on-one, or small-group instruction, that helps students catch up, keep up, or get ahead academically. Superintendent Dr. Raymond González and Teacher Danielle Cristiano explain how bond funding would create space for those needs and for full day kindergarten.
Modernizing Existing Space
Lanova Schall, principal at Edison Intermediate School, explains how schools must adapt to changing instructional needs. Bond funding would meet that need in Edison Intermediate and other buildings.
Read more about instructional space needs on the Long-Term Solutions page of this portal.
Value of State Aid
State debt service aid helps districts make large-scale repairs and renovations, when voters approve bond funding. That financial aid reduces the local share of project costs – and it’s not available through the annual operating budget. Superintendent Dr. Raymond González and Board of Education Vice President Sonal Patel explain.
Full Day Kindergarten
The Westfield Public School District is currently one of 7 districts across New Jersey that does not have a full day kindergarten program. Without more space, WPS cannot accommodate a full day program. The district's bond referendum seeks funding to build more classrooms for a full day program. Superintendent Dr. Raymond González explains, in this 1-minute video clip.
Teaching in Small Spaces
Westfield Public School's bond referendum seeks to convert existing space to better serve students who use support services and small-group instruction. In this short video clip, McKinley Elementary School principal Mary McCabe explains why this is a critical need.
Mad Dash for AC in RIS Cafeteria
The Westfield Public School District's bond referendum proposes adding air conditioning to school cafeterias and gymnasiums where there is none. Listen to this quick snapshot from Roosevelt Intermediate School principal Brian Gechtman.
Creating Modern, Collaborative Media Centers
Students collaborate in our media centers, as Principal Brian Gechtman from Roosevelt Intermediate School explains. Modernizations are important as education standards evolve, as proposed with the April 15 referendum.
Maxed Out on Space in the WHS Wood Shop
Westfield Public School's bond referendum proposes moving the high school wood shop to a new space. WHS Engineering & Design teacher Laura Doyle explains why in this short video clip.