The Handmaid's Tale


Essential Question

Is rebellion something to be encouraged or feared?

 The HandMaid's Tale Review

According to this novel, we can see how society becomes worse and worse over time when many dirty and exhausting problems appear a lot and women are used to be a tool to entertain and be baby machines. In terms of theme, fertility is vital since The state of Gilead was established in response to the crisis brought on by sharply declining birthrates. The state's rigid political hierarchy and entire organizational structure are centered on the control of reproduction. 

Then, I like Ofglen the most because she is the only woman who wants to overthrow and rebel against Gilead since she tries to create "Mayday" which is a rebellious organization. Furthermore, she is a thoughtful person since she kills the man immediately on the execution day to save other people in "Mayday". Finally, I would like to recommend this novel to others because it's all about the problems in the world, especially how women have been oppressed and treated unequally. Also, how people abuse their power to do what they want and control other people. 

By taking complete control of women's bodies through their political enslavement, the state attacks the issue head-on. Women are not allowed to vote, own property or hold jobs, read, or engage in any other activities that might make them more independent or subversive and endanger their husbands or the government. Despite Gilead's rhetoric in favor of women, such subjugation leads to a society where women are viewed as less than human.

Protest art research report

In this task, we have to choose a person who has a protest art in any area. We have to tell who is she/he, why she/he chooses to create protest art. Then, we analyse the protest art by using SPACECAT techniques. Next, we have to show how this protest art influence young generations from the past until now. Tommy and I choose Maya Angelou to do this task since she is a famous poet and activist in the Civl Right Movement and she also has a lot of protest literature, especially The Caged Bird. 

Nguyễn Duy Hiếu (Donald) - Research report

First, we tell the meaning of the poem and the reason why she creates this poem. Then, we jump into analysis by using SPACECAT as I have mentioned before. Fortunately, I acuired many skills to analyze the poem and design a structure in order to show Maya Angelou

In this assignment, our class is divided into groups of two as the same group which does the protest art research. Each group will create their own art and Mr. Daniel will stick them on the wall to create art. Then, each group stands next to their art and presents the meaning of the art, and demonstrates a little bit about the author. 

PROTEST ART GAllery walk

The reason why the author chooses this form of art to protest a particular problem. While we are listening to the presentation, there is a piece of paper on which we have to take notes down. 


Mr. Daniel will provide us with an A3 sheet of paper for this activity, on which we must select three quotations and explain their significance. I'll draw the poem's symbols and explain their significance, as seen in the image's box in the upper left corner. The character on the right is the next one, and I'll explain why I chose her and how important a part she plays in the story. I'd like to discuss the setting and its significance in the center of the page.  The text to the world is in the box below on the left, and the meaning of the theme is in the box to the right. I can fully comprehend the novel and go over everything in this task. 

Socratic Seminar

In this activity, our class will sit in the circle to discuss more about "The Handmaid's Tale" and there are two facilitators who will lead the conversation by asking question or adding their ideas. I love this activity because I can show my own ideas and ask questions to know more about The Handmaid's Tale or I can also argue with other people to develop the idea. 

To be honest, I find this unit fascinating, cheerful, and extremely useful. In this unit, I'm excited to read The Handmaid's Tale because there are so many activities that will help me understand the novel better, such as the Socratic Seminar every Friday and daily text analysis.These activities are extremely beneficial to me 

because they allow me to ask numerous questions while also connecting the novel's context to the real world. However, I must devote a significant amount of time to reading this book in order to annotate everything in it. As a result, it could be a challenge for me. Last but not least, the protest art research is really helpful for me to know how to gather information and use SPACECAT


Then, the art gallery and one pager are the last activity for me to do in this chapter. They are really helpful to make the lesson which is happy and energetic  Finally, I despise the weekly vocabulary test in which I must recall a long list of words. It's completely useless to me because I don't know any of those words.