Significant Question: Does an individual choose their own path in life or is it predestined? 

In addition, The Kite Runner is the most special book I've ever read in my entire life. Amir and Hassan are the two main characters. I'm particularly fond of Amir, a character I despise because he does a lot of bad things to get Hassan in trouble. However, he makes numerous attempts to redeem himself in order to avoid feeling as guilty as his father did. As a result, the redemption theme is essential, and it appears throughout the novel. When Amir demonstrates his path to redemption by rescuing Sohrab from Assef. Amir said to Sorab at the end of the book, "For you, a thousand times," and this sentence is my favorite part of the book. When Amir's redemption journey is complete and he can bring love to Sorab. Finally, I would suggest this book to other friends because it is extremely meaningful and valuable to us. Readers may also have a different perspective on Afghanistan.

The Kite Runner Review

Based on this novel, I have a different perspective on Afghanistan because I believe it is a poor country with a lot of war and poor people who have to flee to other countries. However, after reading this novel, I realized that Afghanistan is a beautiful place with diverse and unique nature. People have their own culture and way of life, just like the people in my country. Unfortunately, the country has changed dramatically as a result of the war, and people now have to live in tunnels. In addition, when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, women were subjected to a slew of oppressive rules. Then, women are denied the right to attend school and are forced to stay at home to care for their children and husband. Women, in particular, would be killed horribly if they cheated on their husbands, which is extremely unfair to women. Then, in terms of children, they do not have the opportunity to play with others because they must go to war at a young age. I consider myself to be luckier than the children in Afghanistan.

Our class has been divided into seven groups of three for this task. Each group must select a topic related to historical events that are relevant to refugees. We must write a letter or keep a diary for the characters to describe their lives and experiences. As a result, I choose my own character and begin describing it using six common sense. Then I must come up with my own setting, obstacles, and plot for the character. 


The most difficult aspect, however, is that our members must create a character that is relevant to the others. Fortunately, we were able to complete the task in a timely manner. This task has taught me a lot of valuable things, such as how to create my story using six common sense and how to use rhetorical devices to make the story more appealing and fascinating. Finally, we are really successful because all stories connect together and it creates a perfect diary


For this mission, we must design our own poster on which to display our writing workshop diaries and letters. As a result, my group selects a large number of photos that are relevant to our topic. Then we begin cutting them out and pasting them onto A3 paper. We arrange all of the pictures to make a space in the center of the A3 paper.

Then, we print our diary and letter, start using coffee to make the paper older, and use a lighter to burn some parts of the paper to make it realistic. This task taught me how to use coffee to make the paper look older, and it helped me improve my design skills. 

To be honest, I find this unit fascinating, cheerful, and extremely useful. In this unit, I'm excited to read The Kite Runner because there are so many activities that will help me understand the novel better, such as the Socratic Seminar every Friday and daily text analysis. 

These activities are extremely beneficial to me because they allow me to ask numerous questions while also connecting the novel's context to the real world. However, I must devote a significant amount of time to reading this book in order to annotate everything in it. As a result, it could be a challenge for me. Last but not least, the writing workshop is exciting because it allows me to create my own story using specific historical events related to refugees. 

Making the paper look old is also a fun and enjoyable experience. Finally, I despise the weekly vocabulary test in which I must recall a long list of words. It's completely useless to me because I don't know any of those words.