Essential Question: What role does race, class, and gender play in a person’s ability to achieve their dreams?


According to this novel, the issue of racial discrimination is a significant one in many people's lives. People are oppressed by society and the government, which enacts numerous laws that limit African Americans' ability to advance themselves in the workplace, housing, and education. The most intriguing and courageous character in the story is Beneatha, who has the audacity to defy all social conventions. 

One of the most important themes in the story, aside from the character, is "Dream". Throughout the play, the Youngers struggle to realize these dreams, and much of their happiness and sadness are directly related to their realization or non-realization of these goals. By the play's conclusion, they understand that a house is the most significant dream because it brings the family together.

First off, women are not currently encouraged to learn or do as many things as men; instead, they are only expected to be good wives who can manage the household and care for their husbands and kids. Beneatha, on the other hand, studies foreign languages and plays the guitar in addition to attempting to become a doctor in the future. She also has the audacity to show off her fashion sense by dyeing her hair and dressing.

Last but not least, I would suggest this play to my friends because it helps the younger generation understand how racial discrimination hinders the realization of many African American dreams and limits their capacity for growth. 

Synthesis Essay

This task asks us to consider how we can use the sources provided as proof to support the issue that the characters are facing. To have enough information to put in a document, I must first watch and read from three sources. Then, I'd like to pick three characters from the play and discuss their issues. I will now use the data I had previously gathered as shards of evidence to back up my claim. 

Nguyễn Duy Hiếu (Donald) - Synthesis essay

When I know where to look for trustworthy information and how to gather it as pieces of evidence to support my writing, I can learn a lot from this task.  I also learn how to arrange information so that it forms a coherent paragraph with the claim, supporting evidence, and supporting reasoning in the proper order. Above this paragraph is my synthesis essay, you can click it to view the content. 

In this assignment, our class is divided into groups of four. We will do an advertisement to market A Raisin in the Sun. Therefore, we have to choose famous people who suit the character in the play such as personality, appearance, and the way they act. Therefore, we have to write an explanation to show the reasons why the chosen famous characters are suitable with characters in the play, you can click the image which is on the right-hand side to see the cast list. 

School Production Project

After that, we need to choose the song to be the music background in the play but we have to do an explanation to show why we choose this song ( click the image in the left corner to see the songs ). Finally, we do a reflection on members which means we evaluate the effort that they put into this project. (click on the image on the left-hand-side)    

To be honest, I find this unit fascinating, cheerful, and extremely useful. In this unit, I'm excited to read A Raisin in the Sun because there are so many activities that will help me understand the novel better, such as the Socratic Seminar every Friday and daily text analysis.These activities are extremely beneficial to me 

because they allow me to ask numerous questions while also connecting the novel's context to the real world. However, I must devote a significant amount of time to reading this book in order to annotate everything in it. As a result, it could be a challenge for me. Last but not least, the synthesis essay is really helpful for me to know how to gather information and using CER


Then, "School Production Project" is really creative when I have to find songs, and famous characters to do an advertisement which markets the play.  Finally, I despise the weekly vocabulary test in which I must recall a long list of words. It's completely useless to me because I don't know any of those words.