Soly's CAS Portfolio

Hello, My name is Soly Hyun and this is my CAS portfolio.

In the past few years of high school, I manage to participate in Activities, Creativity, and Service. My CAS experience taught me a lot, which helped in my personal development. This year, I enjoyed working on my CAS because it improved both my physical and mental health. I've come to understand my true passions and areas of interest because of engaging in CAS. In response, I have participated in activities I had never considered doing before, which has forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and take more chances. I have been also able to work on many workshops and booths at schools including my CAS project.

I was mostly the leader of the workshops which helped me to be more organized when it comes to planning, being more confident about myself and being in charge of the group.  Throughout this whole journey, I have learned some new skills such as time management, responsibility,  leadership, openminded, balanced and critical thinking. These factors have an important impact on my life and help me to become more self-assured and productive. There were some difficult times, but they made me stronger and helped me develop as a person. Finally, I was able to discover more about my personality and what I hope to accomplish in the future.