
CAS learning outcomes

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Newspaper club

I am one of the Newspaper Club's leaders. Our primary objective is to produce videos each month that we will show during the Friday assemblies. We have about 20 members in our club, and each one is responsible for an individual role. We intended to make a video about the school's new building for our first meeting. While they were in class or having lunch, we recorded various images and short clips of students. We also interviewed some instructors and students from various grades about their impressions of the new building. We nearly spent the entire day filming, and it was difficult because each frame required three shots. We intended to use the background of the club members for the introduction. Our meetings are twice a week after school, mostly to discuss the videos we would like to shoot next, new shooting techniques, and to give each other feedback. If necessary, we also speak in calls or group chats. Although it is undoubtedly challenging, being a leader helped me gain confidence and enhance my communication skills.

Designing tote bags

To sell at the weekend markets and fairs, me and a few of my club team members decided to make and paint tote bags. We decided to design Christmas trees and Santa because it was the holiday season. Our goal was to raise money for our club to use for upcoming trips.  It was extremely enjoyable to be as artistic as we wanted, as I love creating art. I was very pleased that we had the opportunity to sell it and that many people purchased it.