
CAS learning outcomes 

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Local Gym

 I attempt to work out for my health in my free time at least once a week. I typically spend about 30 minutes performing lunges, pushups, and mountain climbers, followed by an hour of jogging on the machine. I feel better every time I work out because I am taking time for myself and because I always feel like I have achieved something. When I work out, I usually watch Pamela Reif's youtube and do my best to imitate her movements. She is one of the female role models who inspire me. I also took a weight training class for one semester and it helped me to improve my agility, balance, and stamina.  Sometimes we did weightlifting and other days we focus more on doing workouts and running. I was able to challenge myself on how long I can last for.  

Bike trip

During the wells without walls, I went on the Bangkrao Bike trip with my classmates. We biked around 10km around the park and the village. We also had some free time to look through the forest. It was pretty challenging because the roads were bumpy and it was very narrow but I was able to exercise a lot and push myself outside of my comfort zone. It was one of my favorite memory from junior year. 

Badminton Coach 

In September, I also volunteered for being the coach assistant for teaching badminton to the primary kids. The classes are from 2:45 to 3:55 pm every Tuesday. I initially struggled with time management and class planning, but thanks to this experience, I've learned how to become a teacher and have improved my self-efficacy. When I first started this I never thought it would be this hard, but I am glad I had this experience in my senior year because it allowed me to develop my self-assurance and communication skills. Although I would say that managing the children was challenging, I truly enjoyed instructing each of them.