
BEST Competition

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The BEST competition was hosted on the 24th of April. The competition consisted of students creating start-up business ideas and presenting them to influential people in the business field for feedback and support. I was in a team with two of my classmates, we created a start-up called eLife in which our product is a portable power battery pack for electric vehicles. We had planned for this event for more than one month, perfecting our product and business plan. We faced many problems with the start-up such as deciding pricing strategies, product hardware, product functionality, etc. However, we managed to overcome these obstacles and successfully present our start-up idea on the BEST event day. I had gained a lot of new skills through participating in the competition and the feedback received by the experts had given me great insight on creating future start-ups.

Co-captain of Debate Club & Hosted Debate Friendly with ISB

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I have been debating since grade 9, and throughout that time I have developed numerous skills in the activity. I have always found debate fun and exciting due to the thrill gain when speaking about a passionate topic in front of other people. Debating also has helped me gain a lot of confidence in public speaking, which I had lacked in the past. I am now the co-captain of the debate club beginning in my junior year in high school. Due to the Covid-19 circumstances, there were not many debate events to attend, however, we managed to have a friendly debate with ISB in May. The event had been in planning and preparation for over a month and even got postponed due to the rise in Covid cases in Bangkok. I really enjoyed participating in the event and getting the opportunity to debate with students outside of my school. The event was a good way to practice and improve my debate skills and also to improve relations with members of other schools.

Self Learning Piano

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Over the summer break before my senior year, I used the extra time I had to pick up a new hobby and begin to learn how to play the piano. In the past I have had experience playing the piano by learning from my band class, however, I wanted to improve my skills so I decided to continue practicing this time around. I had stuck to a schedule where I would attempt to learn and master a new song every week of the summer break. I had enjoyed playing so much that I would finish learning a song in 2 days instead, and I would play the piano almost everyday. I had done this for about a month, and I had enjoyed every single day of it. Now reflecting back on my perservieance and willingness to learn a new skill has benefited me, as now I am able to play a few songs on the piano and my musical knowledge has been greatly improved.