At the beginning of 10th grade in 2016, my friends and I decided to inquire more about an organization we have heard multiple times before - Operation Smile. Having heard of them through the popular annual Colour Miles for Smiles, we emailed Operation Smile Thailand (OST) to inquire about starting a club here at Wells. After receiving a positive response from OST, we started the Wells Smile Club. Our first event was a fundraiser and a presentation to teachers on Professional Development Day. After numerous meetings with OST and other smile clubs, we participated in OST's annual interschool event, which this year, instead of Colour Miles for Smiles, was the Smile Carnival. After lots of hours of hard work, the event happened on April 1st, 2017 and we managed to raise 1 million baht for OST. Apart from fundraising, we also went with OST to Mae Hong Son to visit the hospital where the yearly medical missions happened. While there, we got to interact with the kids and helped cheer them up and also witnessed the surgery first hand. This was a very unique experience and I hope we can participate in this event again. This year, our smile club is still active at Wells, and Tasha and I are also part of the Joint Event Committee, so we will participating a lot more in the planning process of a new interschool event for 2018.

Wells' Glow in the Dark Ring Toss Booth at the 2017 Smile Carnival

Ms. Farhana, my friends, & I in scrubs about to enter the surgery ward.

My friends and I posing in front of OST's banner on PD Day.

Model United Nations

I joined Wells' Model United Nations Club at the start of tenth grade and it remains one of my favorite club to be a part of. Initially, the thought of having to speak in front of all these 'smart' people in a committee terrified me. When I attended my first conference on November 13, 2016, which was the STAMUN, I was extremely scared. However, once I was in the room I found out it wasn't so scary after all and I ended up being one of the people who spoke up the most in the committee. So far, I've attended three conferences; STAMUN, BKKMUN, and WISMUN. I've also helped with the planning process of WISMUN II at the beginning of 2017, where I learnt all that organizing an MUN conference requires hard work. I'm excited to continue my MUN journey and to be able to improve myself as a part of the Wells MUN community.

Attending BKKMUN (November 27, 2016)

Chairing SPECPOL at THAIMUN (April 1-3 2018)

World Scholar's Cup : Bangkok Regional Rounds 2017

I attended my first ever World Scholar's Cup conference on March 17-18, 2017. Beforehand, public speaking wasn't really something I was comfortable with. However, attending some MUN conferences really helped boost my confidence, so I accepted when my friends asked if I would join their team for World Scholar's Cup this year. It was a wonderful experience. Though the multiple choice test was not really fun, the three debates I did really opened my mind to accept that debating and public speaking is not that scary. The few minutes before you up to speak is a very daunting, but once you are up there and once you're done, you realize that it's not so scary after all. Joining WSC allowed me to boost my confidence enough to join the debate team this year. Additionally, I also won the 3rd place for senior writing, 11th place for senior individual debater, 12th place for champion scholar, and top school scholar.

My teammate and I at the closing ceremony.

Football Team

I joined the U15 football team in 2015 after discovering my love for watching football. I had a great time playing with my teammates, even though we weren't the best team regarding our skills. Last year I couldn't join due to scheduling conflicts with a class I had after school, but this year I've joined the varsity football team and I am still enjoying it.

U15 Football Team at a match.

Wells Helping PAWS

Being an animal lover, I joined PAWS at the start of ninth grade and participated in a lot of their events. Last year, I went to volunteer at the PAWS center in Phra Khanong with two of my friends and we had an amazing time playing with the cats. This year, however, I could not join PAWS due to me prioritizing other clubs and their overwhelming number of members.

My friends and I volunteering at the PAWS Bangkok Center in Phra Khanong (December 3rd, 2016)

ServICE Conference : January 20 - 22, 2017 at Bangkok Patana School

I attended the 2017 ServICE conference with several of my friends and was inspired by the workshops and keynote speakers there. The two workshops I attended were ones of the most memorable moments of the whole conference. One of it was by Asylum Access Thailand, an NGO whose aim is to help refugees. There, I learnt that Thailand does not have laws regarding refugees and did not sign the 1951 Refugee Convention. In the second workshop, a man, who lost the ability to move his legs, gave an inspiring talk on how he got out of depression and how wheelchair fencing helped him do that. I also had a booth for Operation Smile Thailand with a few people form BPS and TCIS.

My friends and I posing with a wheelchair fencer.

Volunteering at Village International Education

After, SerVICE, I was inspired to make a change and had learnt about lots of different organizations. One that my friends and I chose to go to was an international school for kids with mental disabilities. Since it was a Saturday school, not a lot of kids were there, but it was still an amazing experience. I got to help the kids, play with them, and understand more about how kids with mental disabilities behave, which, contrary to popular belief, they were well-behaved for the most part.

6th Readers Theatre Contest (January 27, 2017)

Every year, Wells selects some students to record themselves acting out a book to be sent to Reader's Theatre for judging. Last year, I was on the list of selected student, and after much reluctance, I went for the audition. After getting in, being put into teams, and given our book, we had to practice a couple of times before we recorded the video and sent it to Reader's Theatre. After we heard back that we have been selected for the finals, we had to practice everyday for several weeks. At the contest, we did our best and preformed. Our hardwork paid off, as we won 1st Place for the 4th Division and the Princess Soamsawili The Excellent Award, which is the overall champion.

My teammates and I posing prior to preforming.

My teammates and I posing with our award.