Individual:Teacher Assistant (C)

CAS Project Form

Student document

Student project leader(s): Lila Al Tamimi

Members: Lila Al Tamimi

Title of project: Teacher Assistant for Grade 2 and ESL Grade 5

Focus of project: Assisting in teaching students from grade 2 and teaching English to ESL students in Grade 5.


CAS Learning Outcomes

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


CAS stages

  • Investigation

When I first heard about this opportunity, I was eager to learn more about it. After finding out that I would be given the opportunity to independently teach an ESL class and also assist in a primary class, I was excited to participate as I enjoy working with kids. With this, I started to look into the level of difficulty of English for the ESL class I was going to teach and what primary student nowadays are learning.

  • Preparation

As a lesson plan is vital for a class to succeed, it was detrimental that I was aware of the student's English level and the material they were previously taught. Firstly, I had to get accustomed with the technology involved in primary learning, as when I was in primary technology was more limited. With this, I went into the first class ready to learn from the kids. I found out what they were currently learning, their style of learning, and what activities they enjoy. I found out that they all loved word search and crossword puzzles, so I made sure to prepare this prior to every class as an incentive for the students to finish their dreaded vocabulary worksheets.

  • Action

Every Wednesday, I went into the class prepared to teach the students. I always start by asking them what they had previously learned from their previous English lessons. Then, I look over the worksheets they had to do, which typically include new vocabularies and ways to use them. I then told each student to finish their worksheets, as some were ahead of others. I would always go to each student individually, as each of them required different enforcement in different areas. The method I used to teach them was mainly visual, as I found that most of the students were visual learners. I would draw or search up a photo or visual representation of the vocabularies they were learning to make sure that they not only memorized the word, but actually understood and are able to use them in academic and social settings.

  • Reflection

Though it was hard work, I genuinely enjoyed teaching the students. I learnt that each student has their own individual pace, something I was aware of when I started but the time I spent teaching has made me realize the extent to which that statement is true. The skills I learnt from this are ones that I believe will be vital in the future. These skills include people skills, organizational skills, and leadership skills. I also found that some students were more difficult than others and I had to be stern, something I found a little difficult.

  • Demonstration

As this program is still going on, I would be more than happy to help those who are currently participating. As I faced a few struggles and made some mistakes during my time being an ESL teacher. such as taking time to adapt to each student's English proficiency level, I can pass on what I now know I should have done.


Name of organization the project is organized with or for, if applicable: Wells International School

Contact person at organization, contact phone and email, if applicable:

Teacher or other external supervisor, if applicable: Ms. Rehka and Ms. Katina

Anticipated dates of CAS project: September - December 15 2017

Risk assessment required?: No

Risk assessment completed?: No

Student signatures: Lila Al Tamimi

CAS supervisor/adviser signature/date: Ms. Rehka