Collaborative: Prom 2018

CAS Project Form

Student document

Student project leader(s): Amy, Jai, Jira

Members: Class of 2019

Title of project: Prom planning

Focus of project: Planning prom for the class of 2018.


CAS Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


CAS stages

  • Investigation:

Though I am not part of the student council, I was included in one of the student leaders during prom. As this prom was mainly made to cater towards the seniors, our class searched for various different hotels, themes, and color palate to fit their taste. As I was tasked with figuring out the games, schedule, and being the MC, I talked to the senior class representatives - who later talked to the whole class - about what they would prefer from a list of games that I made and if they were okay with a rough schedule.

  • Preparation

As a plan is the most important factor for a group project to succeed, it was detrimental to for the whole class of 2019 and class of 2018 to work together to achieve a great prom. Though I tried to help with everything, my main task was coming up with games, a schedule, organizing performances. and a script as I was the MC. However, I was not assigned this task alone. I was working with a very close friend of mine, which made it easy for us to collaborate. Firstly, the two of us came up with a list of 5 games and a rough schedule. Then, we talked to the senior class representatives - who later talked to the whole class - about which 2 games they would prefer from a list of games and if they were okay with the rough schedule. As for the script, we wrote - based on the schedule - it and practiced it a couple times to made sure we were ready. After they made their decision, it was time for action. Additionally, we also prepped materials for the games. Firstly, we gathered newspaper for the classic newspaper game. For the second game, we made a powerpoint presentation with emojis for people to guess what movie the emojis are portraying. As for the performances, we asked the senior class if they would like to preform and ended up with 2 performances.

  • Action

On the day of prom, things were quite hectic. Firstly, Tasha and I had to make sure people were in their seats at a certain time and we also had to make sure everything was running on schedule - which it was. However, we had an issue with the music, as people were not dancing and it was hard to encourage people to go on the dance floor. I tried to switch up the music, such as playing Indian songs, but nothing worked. Though it was a little nerve racking to be the MC, having my best friend with me made it so much easier.

  • Reflection

As I look back on the event, I feel a sense of accomplishment. When I was told that the seniors really enjoyed the game and one of the performances, I felt really happy and that my hard work payed off. The skills I learnt from this are ones that I believe will be vital in the future. These skills include public speaking, people skills, and organizational skills.

  • Demonstration

Having previously gone through the struggle and the stress of being heavily involved in last year's prom, I relate to the juniors who are planning our prom this year. I would be more than happy to aid them in any way I can, such as providing documents - including the schedule, script, and game ideas - to make their planning process a little easier.


Name of organization the project is organized with or for, if applicable: Wells International School

Contact person at organization, contact phone and email, if applicable:

Teacher or other external supervisor, if applicable:

Anticipated dates of CAS project: March 3, 2018

Risk assessment required?: Yes/No

Risk assessment completed?: Yes/No

Student signatures: Lila Al Tamimi

CAS supervisor/adviser signature/date:

Prom 2018 Schedule
Emoji Game