Service (S)

Fishing For An Orphanage

CAS Learning Outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Fishing for the orphanage - we spent a night off the shores of Chonburi in a fishing boat, all the fish we caught were donated to the local orphanage in Pattaya. We had a great time on the boat. It was a great first time experience fishing on a boat overnight, and we caught dozens of fish. This experience has taught me of very cool and important fishing skills and also the importance of the orphanages within our local community and what we can do to support them.

I was able to improve my fishing skills and also fighting against seasickness.

K9 CHSAThai Trip

CAS Learning Outcomes:

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The first overnight K9 trip was very successful, I learned a lot about the hardships that street dogs face, and why it is important for them to be taken care. I was able to interact with hundreds of dogs and cute puppies, and I will never forget those memories. I really enjoyed helping the owner with moving the dog houses around and I am grateful that we were able to assist the people who work there everyday as a volunteer.

I was able to develop new skills during this trip such as helping reorganize dog houses and also play with multiple dogs.

Visiting Mercy Center

CAS Learning Outcomes:

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As part of a trip organized by the leaders Hrithi and Lina from SerWIS, we visited the Mercy Center. We were able to have fun with the kids that live/study there, and were able to have fun in contributing to their acitivities such drawing, and playing games such as tag, or thai games like "mon son pa" where we would run around in circles chasing each other. This trip has really taught me of the importance of the places like the Camillian home who play a very vital role in the local Bangkok community.

As part of the SerWIS club, we were able to work together and help the Mercy Center have a successful even with the various children who were there. This trip was a way for us to show support to the community in Bangkok that dealt with children and other people who were less fortunate and did not have access to essential services such as education.