CAS Project

Setting up and Maintaining the K9 Website

CAS learning outcomes:

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Investigation

  • Since I have been a leader of the K9 club, I have always tried to improve many aspects of the club whether it would be events in booths or overnight trips. Towards the start of the first semester of 12th, the other leaders and I were not satisfied with the online presence that K9 had, as there is a lot of potential to gain more attention for people to support our club. Thus as a part of our drive to expand K9, we have created an Instagram page, Facebook page which were not as hard to create. One of the more challenging part was establishing a website. So a goal was made for us to have a website dedicated primarily to K9 by the end of the second semester in order to increase our online presence within the community as previously we would only be able to be contacted in person at school or through private messaging leaders on messaging apps.

  • Preparation

  • In order to prepare for this CAS project, I watched a few YouTube videos that helped inspire me on how to design the K9 website. In the preparation, I decided to use google sites to set up the site due to easy access and allowing for future leaders and collaborations with others in the K9 club. The preparation also included plans on how the theme of the website would be or if there were any specific functions needed. A google drive with updated pictures of past club events were also needed in order to fill in the website and finding out details of past events such as dates and products made.

  • Action

  • The project started back in October, and it took quite a while to complete and publish the site for everyone to see. The site was initially based off of one of the templates available in Google sites, the template was chosen as it had contact functions at the bottom of the page which is beneficial for us. To make the site unique from the template, there has been dozens of modifications, additional pages being added, and other content that has been added to enhance the user experience and have it look welcoming. Through the use of google sites and its tools, I was able to fill the site with multiple pages with information about the club. I have created pages that cover our purpose as a club and our past achievements, with pictures included of various events hosted in the past. Contact information for the club was also attached onto the website. A page was also created to get people to help with the K9 pursue its goals, with links to donation pages, pictures of the club's merchandise and event participation. I have also created an events page to highlight all of our past events with pictures attached to each event, the page highlights the club's commitments to its goals in helping dogs and dog shelters in the local community. The page also covers the club's upcoming events. A page was also created to share a bit of K9's history and its goals in case anyone wanted to know more about the club and is interested in joining. The site continues to be updated every other week during when there is free time is available.

  • Reflection

  • I am quite excited to have this as part of my CAS project. This project is quite important to me because I have always enjoyed setting up websites and making them look quite nice. I think that the project was a success as people were visiting our new website and looking at the information they wanted to know without going through a lot of effort to do so. I believe that although it has been a success, the website will have to be maintained through the many years ahead of the club's existence in the Wells community, which I plan to do so until I pass it off to the future leaders next semester after I have graduated. The Google site has received a lot of positive feedback from various members and people also willing to help contribute to the website. I hope to use this experience to enhance my organization skills that I may need in the future in college or at a work setting. The design of this site has really helped me learn new skills in how to get a google sites to look nice as well as contribute to the club that I am a part of. I think that in the future I could elevate my skills by getting into coding and starting a website from scratch and the skills I got from this experience would surely help me with that.

  • Demonstration

  • By working on this by myself, I was able to have a better understanding of the functionalities in Google Sites and organize a huge amount of information into one place for people to read. I believe that this experience has really benefitted me and also the club as it can be demonstrated through one of the ESLRs as ICT proficiency.

Link to the website can be found here.