Creativity (C)

K9 Animal Week Booth

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

During the early part of 2020, our club, K9, came together to host a booth for animal week, where we raised funds using very creative techniques and also being able to let everyone have fun in the process. We sold smoothies and hotdogs during our assigned days of animal week. We had fun taking care of various stations and cooking the sausages for the hot dog. By having these creative techniques to raise funds, it has really benefitted us because we were able to achieve a higher amount of profit from this event than others, and it is mainly due to our methods of selling products. All our proceeds went to organizations in need, such a CHSAThai.

Throughout this event, I was able to understand and improve my management of a booth, and also challenges in logistical manners such as supplies needed for the booth. We were able to accomplish this by working together as a team.


1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Throughout the quarantine, I spent my time creating various dishes and drinks (most of the time coffee) to help myself become a better cook and also improving my skills in cooking as it may become very important to me when I move on to college. Although it may have been a bit brief and some of the dishes are simple, I normally do not cook as much, so I was going out of my zone of expertise and some of the dishes may not look as good or not as complicated as I made baby steps throughout my progress and I had only done it for a brief amount of time. I have made dishes shown on the left, such as pancakes, spaghetti, making dolgona coffee, just plain coffee, and thai dishes like "tum tang". It has been a really great experience for me and I really hope that I will continue to improve and use it in the future.

I was able to identify my strengths in cooking by understanding how the difference ingredients that were needed to be mixed. I developed new skills by cooking dishes I have never done before.

Online Spirit Week

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I really enjoyed participating throughout the Spirit Week that was made towards the end of 11th grade. Even though we were in lockdown, I love that the events committee were able to host a spirit and it was very fun to see people in different and creative props and outfits to represent our class through a webcam. This event has helped us create a better connection within the grade as people were showcasing different things they were wearing throughout the week.

I showed commitment to CAS experiences by participating in school led events that helped raise school spirit. We worked together as a class to come together and wear outfits that would give our grade points.