The Three Generations Prize for First-Year Writing

Information for Current First-Year Students

Guidelines for Self-Nomination

Students may nominate themselves for this prize by completing the Three Generations Prize for First-Year Writing nomination form and should inform their professors of their self-nomination. Nominations should include a paper that demonstrates excellence in first-year writing; the associated assignment prompt, and a short blurb (50-100 words) introducing the paper and explaining what makes it exemplary.

Winning papers feature: sufficient context for and full development of a sophisticated argument that is well-supported by evidence; argumentation and analysis that is accurate and appropriate to the discipline; a voice that is authoritative and natural; writing choices that demonstrate consideration for the reader; and excellent presentation of source material, data, and other evidence.

Nomination Deadline

Students will be able to nominate themselves for the award at the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in First-Year Writing.  Students will receive email notification and information from their professors regarding the window for nomination each semester.

WRIT 155 Professor Bryant engaging in conversation with class.

Read More About the Award