8. Examinations and Coursework

Public examinations take place in October/November, January, and May/June. A copy of the provisional and final examination timetable is available on our school website. http://www.sis.edu.hk/examinations/

All the necessary information for external exams can be obtained via this link and updated monthly by our Examination Officer. If parents need to contact the exams office, please email examsoffice@sis.edu.hk

Parents are charged for these examinations, and are communicated to parents individually. 

Year 11 Mock Examinations takes place in November and Year 13 IB Mock Examinations takes place in January. A timetable is provided for these mock examinations and shared to students at least one month before sitting. These mock exams take place during the school day, but students are not expected to attend regular lessons during this period. 

These are the only official examination periods. 

During Years 10 and 12, we have internal assessments in most subjects. The results from these and the mock examinations are reported via a Progress Check Card.

Some students can be considered for special exam considerations. The Individual Needs Department can be contacted if you feel your child might require these considerations because of a specific learning need. The application does need to be made to the relevant examination board several months before entry and must be supported with documentation.


Coursework / Controlled Assessment / Internal Assessment

Policy on Academic Honesty

How can Parents Help? 

Students are encouraged to use books, magazines and the internet to get information and to develop research skills.  These are important sources for helping them to learn. Students may also use friends’ and parents’ help to increase understanding or widen knowledge.  These are useful ways to help with schoolwork.  However, students must be aware that there are things that they should be very careful about when using the library, the internet, tutors or friends.


These are all forms of CHEATING.  Be aware that work which is not the student's own will not be marked and will be given zero.  In cases of blatant copying of another student’s work, both students involved may face further punishment if the original author has collaborated in the copying.


For Years 9-13

All students at some time will need to produce coursework as a part of the assessment for external examinations.  There are clear rules laid down by the examination boards regarding unfair practices (e.g. plagiarism and copying), as this is the same as cheating during a timed examination. The statement below is found in the Examination Board Regulations.


Candidates are forbidden to indulge in unfair practice in the preparation of coursework or project work.  Any candidate who uses, or is suspected of using unfair means, should be reported to the examination board.  Candidates who breach these regulations will be disqualified from the paper being taken, and maybe disqualified from the subject for which they have been entered.


Students need to understand the seriousness of indulging in unfair practices of plagiarism and copying and the impact it will have on final results.


Teachers reserve the right to ask students to present all work through Turnitin.com which checks the use of research material and identifies the different forms of academic dishonesty  with great accuracy. 

Accredited Course Fees

Payment Schedule

The table below details fees charged by awarding bodies for accredited academic courses. These fees are not included in the school fees and are payable by parents/guardians as per the schedule below.

Please note that the fees in the table below are changeable depending upon the exchange rate at the time of invoicing.