14. Family and House Guidance System at SIS

Family and House Guidance System at South Island School


A high quality education starts with relationships.”

(The Council of Essential Schools’ handbook for 21st Century education)

 Our guidance system aims to ensure all students are known and are able to build relationships with peers and significant adults in a trusting environment in order to support them as learners. To do this effectively the school population is divided into three smaller groupings, which we have called ‘Families’.

Family Bauhinia is for students in Years 7, 8 & 9, ensuring that they have the best possible introduction to the school.  There are over 600 students in this family, supported by a leadership team of one Yr 7-9 Phase Leaders ( MYP Coordinator), a Head of Year 7, Head of Year 8, and Head of Year 9, 36 Tutors, a Prefect Team and a number of support staff.

Key aims of Family Bauhinia is to:

In Year 10, students change from gaving a Head of Year to having a Head of House. Similar to the Heads of Year, the major duties of the Head of House includes building strong relationships with every student within their care, leading a team of tutors and working proactievly with parents, guardians, students and staff to address any well-being issues which might arise as well as to help monitor academic achievement and coordinate support where needed.  

Key aims of our Years 10-13 House Family is to: 


This supportive environment begins immediately upon entry to South Island School when each student joins their Tutor group.  The Tutor group is made up of 18/20 students and the Tutor and students remain together throughout years 7 to 13, helping to build trusting relationships, foster a group identity and promote long term and sustainable growth and development.

 Students are motivated to give their best through a sense of ownership and belonging. By building relationships between Heads of Houses, subject teachers, tutors and parents, we work together to ensure that students develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to be confident, successful and independent individuals and members of society.