Tools & Activities

Interrogate Neutrality (5 Minutes)

"If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality" Archbishop Desmond Tutu

This is what we are here to frame: neutrality is a myth. We say “interrogate neutrality” because neutrality doesn’t actually exist in our current system of white supremacy that consistently privileges white, being cisgendered, heterosexual, male, etc. Our perspectives are not neutral because our identities put lenses on everything we see. The overarching question we typically ask when working with our clients is: Who do our protocols and practices benefit  and who do our policies and practices marginalize? What protocols, practices, and behaviors do we believe are “neutral” or the “norm” that might need some interrogation from a different perspective or lived experience? 

This quote also helps us think about how we can also simultaneously be the elephant AND the mouse in our places of work. For example: As a BIPOC woman who is manager you may have positional power in your organization, while also having to navigate racists and sexist policies.

Intersectionality (Estimate: 30 Mins)

Directions: Watch the following 2 videos about Intersectionality. 

Questions to Journal/Reflect On:

Microaggressions (Estimate: 60 Mins)

Directions: Listen to or read the following resources. 

Questions to Journal/Reflect On: