Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guiding Questions

DIVERSITY. The demographics of shared interest partners in every level of the organization are representative of the demographics in their region. Region refers to the broader geopolitical group, typically, but not always, the city or municipality. Organizations with multi-county, multi-parish, or state-wide services should adjust region to their larger footprint. Demographic diversity prioritizes socio-economic, race, ethnicity, linguistic, sex, age, disability, nationality, migrant status, and homelessness as federally-reported data. Demographic diversity should also include gender, sexual orientation, religion, undocumented status, and geography as self-reported by shared interest partners.

Diversity Framing question: To what extent does our __________ population reflect our regional demographics?

EQUITY: Equity is examined. The organization examines and adjusts all processes and decisions to ensure that access and outcomes cannot be correlated to demographic diversity. Organizational processes and decisions ensure that all demographics are equally represented in selection, programming, decision-making, and outcomes. This extends from entry/selection to promotion and retention to negative consequences.  

Equity Framing question: To what extent are the outcomes from _________ program predictable by participants’ demographics?

INCLUSION: Shared interest partners have ample opportunities to contribute to the decisions that impact their work and/or services in the organization. Shared interest partner inclusion progresses from comfort and belonging to continuous, profound, shared power and accountability.  

Inclusion Framing question: To what extent do our diverse populations feel comfortable, respected, and empowered within our organization? To what extent are diverse community perspectives included in decision-making that impacts their lives?