Miss Hunt's

Kindergarten Class

Positivity Project Character Strengths

Kindness, Love, and Humor

Hello Kindergarteners! Welcome to the astronaut class! I was born and raised in Cary, NC and graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a degree in Elementary Education. I love the beach, Target, coffee, and my dog, Nela! This is my 5th year at Alston Ridge and I am very excited to spend it with you and your family!

Positivity Project Character Strengths

Perseverance, Appreciation of Beauty, Zest (Courage)

Mrs. Taryn Lajcin 

Email: tlajcin@wcpss.net

I'm from Colombia, South America.  My husband and I have three boys: two in college, one in high school, and a dog named Rex. 

 I have an Associate in Early Childhood Education from Wake Tech Community College and I worked at St. Michael Preschool in Cary for 12 years.  I love gardening and reading. 

Miss Hunt Kindergarten Newsletter
Miss Hunt's Kindergarten Guide

Miss Hunt's Favorite Things

Store/Restaurant: Target, Home Goods, Amazon, & Starbucks

Color: Pink

Treat/Candy: Oreos and Peanut M&Ms

Likes/Hobbies: Spending time with friends and family, being outdoors, and shopping

Mrs. Lajcin's Favorite Things

Store/Restaurant: Target                 

Color: Purple 

Treat/Candy: Chocolates               

 Likes/Hobbies: Gardening, reading