Season 3 show notes

Episode 7:  WCPS Summer Enrichment Opportunities

Welcome to a very special episode of our podcast, where we dive into the exciting world of summer learning! Today, we’re joined by a panel of distinguished guests from our district: one of our EdTech Specialists, Heidi Barber, our CTE Director, Stephen Kelley, our District Math Lead, Andrew Bass, and our Title IV Enrichment Facilitator, Christy White. They're here to share insights into our diverse Summer Enrichment programs, designed to inspire and educate our students. From the innovative Audio Video Adventures to various CTE Career Camps, and the ever-popular Military-connected STEMKAMP, we'll explore how these opportunities are crafted to enhance curriculum and enrich student lives. We're also discussing the vital roles of accessibility measures like providing lunches and transportation, ensuring every student can participate. So, stay tuned as we unpack how this summer will be a time of growth and discovery for our students!
