Season 3 Show Notes

Episode 6:  Infinite Campus with Tony Smith

In the ever-evolving landscape of educational technology, staying ahead means not just adapting to changes, but embracing them. This summer marks a significant milestone for our district as we transition to a new Student Information System, Infinite Campus. This change promises to revolutionize the way we manage student data, communicate within our educational community, and, most importantly, enhance the teaching and learning experience \for our teachers and students alike.

Tony Smith, Wayne County Public School’s Directory of Educational Information Systems joins me in this episode to delve into what Infinite Campus is, the story behind our transition, and what this means for our district. We will also uncover the robust training and support systems set up to ensure a smooth transition for our staff. We will also talk about how Infinite Campus will support our commitment to blended learning, STEM education, and improving communication between teachers, students, and parents. It’s a conversation about innovation, support, and the bright future of education in our district.

Join us in understanding the changes, embracing the opportunities, and envisioning the future of educational technology.