Season 2 Show Notes

Episode 2:  Assistive Technology with Brianna Edgerton

We weren't sure what to expect when sitting down with Mrs. Brianna Edgerton. We didn't know if we would end up with enough material to fill a 30-minute episode and hoped we could stretch things out. We had no idea that we had such an incredible teacher flying under our radars all this time. Mrs. Edgerton is an EC Teacher at Meadow Lane Elementary who works with CDSP (Community Developmental  School Program). This population of children have significant cognitive disabilities and is most often unseen in our traditional school populations. 

Listening to Mrs. Edgerton tell her story, their story, turned out to be so powerful and insightful, we just let the conversation continue. This episode is longer than others, but it is so important. We hope you will invest your time in listening to this episode so that you can catch a glimpse into her world as a CDSP teacher. She shares what a school day is like, how these children really aren't so unlike our own, and the tranformative power of a simple button.

Stick around to the end for the 5-in-5 to gain insight into the personal side of this amazing teacher! This is an episode you won't want to miss! Now, let the journey begin!!