Season 1

Melissa Sanders, 4th grade teacher at Meadow Lane Elementary, has begun implementing Blended Learning Strategies with her class and is having incredible results! Listen to learn more.

Lesli Ducasse, Instructional Technology Facilitator at Southern Wayne High School speaks of the importance of students becoming content creators and some ed tech tools for them to use.

Laura Taylor is heading up a new hybrid Teacher Cadet Program district-wide. Students work face-to-face and online as they learn more about becoming future educators. Listen to learn more about how Blended Learning makes it possible to spread this program to every high school in the district.

Robin Wilson, Instructional Technology Facilitator at Eastern Wayne High School talks about the importance of our students learning how to be safe online and things parents can do to help.

Dr. Ashley McBride and Lauren Boucher (from NCDPI) stop by to chat about all the benefits available to our staff from their new ISTE Memberships. 

District Math Coordinator, Andrew Bass, came in to chat about his virtual Math I course. He discusses what it looks like and how he uses Blended Learning Strategies with this hybrid-online District-wide course.

In this episode, we meet Jamisha Raymond, a CTE teacher from Wayne School of Technical Arts. Mrs. Raymond teaches Coding with Minecraft and her students' abilities have really taken off.  Listen to this episode to learn more about Minecraft for Education and some of the accomplishments her students have already attained.

Richard Nobers discusses his new Drone Technology course at Rosewood High School. His students are engaged and excited to learn. He also discusses future plans for this course and the students who are taking part.

Meet Valerie Jernigan, Instructional Technology Facilitator at Goldsboro High School. Mrs. Jernigan has developed a Student Tech Team at GHS through a grant awarded from the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE). Students are learning to repair Chromebooks, teach their peers about cyber safety, and even starting their own podcast!

BONUS:  NCBold Conference

Recorded on-location at NCBOLD in Rocky Mount, NC! Join us to hear about the wonderful staff development sessions offered.