Summer Reading


It's that time again! That special time when you've got homework for the summer and about 13 of you get really excited, about 20 of you resign yourselves to the grim fate and survive it the best you can, and the rest of you think about it the day school starts again and pray that the teacher was just joking about having a quiz: Yay! Summer Reading! I'm your teacher. There will be a quiz. But I get it!!! Let me help you!

While I can't take away the reality of the BHS Summer Reading, I CAN make it more bearable and *almost* fun! Scroll down to view the flyers for summer reading and enroll yourself in either Google Classroom. We'll have some activities, book chats, and extra help posted later in the summer so that all hope will not be lost for you.

  • For English I, I'll also be hosting a session at school to read and discuss the first few chapters of the book while hanging out and eating (food is a happy thing).
  • If you happen to miss it, we'll post highlights in Google Classroom to get you caught up
  • When you leave, you'll probably be interested enough to keep on reading this really funny book! If not, well, you'll know plenty of stuff about the book to help you on the quiz :-)

English I

Audio Book Coming Soon :-)

BHS Freshman Summer Reading.docx