About Mrs. Eckert


  • Currently pursuing PhD in Learning and Innovation
  • Masters of Education in Special Education
  • Reading Specialist
  • Bachelor in Social Work
  • Certifications: English, Special Education, Google Certified Educator Levels 1 and 2
  • Google for Education Certified Trainer

Teaching/Working Experience

  • Current/Ongoing:
    • Brusly High School/Port Allen High School - Educators Rising
    • West Baton Rouge Schools- Innovative Programs Coordinator
    • Northwestern State University- Adjunct Professor (SPED Intro to Students with Disabilities)
    • Louisiana Tech University- Adjunct Professor (SPED Collaboration and Teaming)
    • LRCE- Facilitator and Mentor for Pre-Service Teachers and Practitioners
  • Previous:
    • Brusly High School Instructional Coach
    • Port Allen Middle School Master Teacher (TAP/NIET)
    • Port Allen Middle School Teacher (Special Education-Inclusion, Reading Intervention, Mentor Teacher)
  • Fellowships/Committees:
    • Understood.org
    • Stand for Children (Louisiana)
    • NCLD Expert Teacher
    • Dream Teachers Board Member
    • NCLD Innovation Advisory Committee

Stuff I Like A lot!!!

  • BOOKS! (Imagine that!)
        • Favorite Books of all-time: The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Ender's Game, A Wrinkle in Time, The Chronicle's of Narnia, A Long Way Gone
        • Favorite Writers: Tolkein, Nelson Demille, Jodi Piccoult, Shakespeare, Steven King, J.K. Rowling, Maya Angelou, Sue Monk Kidd, Bill Bryson, Markus Zusak
  • Video Games (RPG's! All-time favorites to play/watch are Final Fantasy franchise, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Witcher, anything that has to do with dragons and elves!
  • Cooking and Eating all the foods!
  • CHEESE!!!!!
  • Music
  • Learning
      • I love learning about my students and really about people in general... some might call it nosey. I call it interested.
      • Other Cultures
      • Current Events
      • History
      • How stuff works
  • Science (especially astronomy)
  • Traveling- I love exploring so much! I've been to some very cool countries
  • My Husband (Rick-dawg)
  • My girl (her name is Haven but I call her Girl. No kidding)
  • My friends (yes, teachers have friends)
  • Teaching
  • Journaling
  • Laughing- Mostly at myself

Random Facts about me

  • My favorite job of all time was working at a summer camp in Maine for a few summers. I moved by bed on the porch of our cabin and slept outside every night :-)
  • I lived and worked in London for a while after graduation from college at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. That was an incredible experience!
  • I really spending summers learning completely new things I've never tried before. It usually doesn't turn out well, but I never want to forget what it's like to feel challenged and lost and to really struggle with things (some of my past summer endeavors include playing guitar (bad at it), knitting (bad at it), making pasta from scratch (nailed it), grad school classes on South East Asia (nailed it! I'm an awesome student)
  • I take pride in being a nerd. That word carries the most positive connotation for me!
  • I've run 7 marathons (26.2 mile races) and more half-marathons than I can recall off-hand. I know I don't look like a runner! I basically run so I can eat all the cheeses!
  • I really love listening to people tell stories.
  • I drink A LOT of coffee. So much coffee.
  • I don't sleep a lot. See above.