Homework Policy

Homework Policy

English I is a skills-based, literature analysis and writing course. Just like any skill, we only get better with practice. Homework extends our opportunities for practice in applying skills AND opportunities for me to see how you're progressing and give you feedback. You don't want the first time you've practiced a skill to be on the test or the essay, right?!

So trust me when I say, the point of homework in my class isn't to bring the misery. It's to set you and our class up for success. All assignments are due when requested. Anything submitted after the time requested will be considered late and graded accordingly.

  • Major Assignments- 10 points a day will be taken off large scale assignments (essays, research, projects, etc.)
  • Minor Assignments (practice)- Half credit (50%) will be given if turned in the next day. More than one day late will result in a zero.

**Portfolio Assignments- Occasionally, homework assignments may also appear on the Portfolio due at the end of each nine weeks. These assignments are critical for mastering the skills of the nine weeks so if must be completed. When this happens, a missed deadline may result in a 0 homework grade, but once added to the Portfolio it it will HELP you.

How is Homework Assessed?

Most homework will be out of 20 points. Extended assignments will be worth more points.

  • Full Credit- Exceptional effort is evident. You really tried to meet the goals of the assignment. Answers show sophisticated thinking and reflect the skills/knowledge gained in class that day or through the homework readings
  • Half Credit- Inadequate effort, half the work is complete, handwriting too difficult to read. Answers are incomplete or lack focus.
  • No Credit- Truly no effort made or no assignment turned in.

NOTE: With the exception of Romeo and Juliet, many readings will require reading or preparation at home. We explore amazing and lengthy works, so inevitably some of the reading to prepare for class activities will have to happen at home. When reading assignments are given for homework, they will be followed by some form of quick assessment in class the next day to show you are ready for the lesson.

"X" Factor

It is the policy of Brusly High School that missing assignments that can still be made-up will receive an "X" in JPAMS. The "X" factors as a 0 but is replaced with the grade you earned once you complete the assignment.

It is the policy of Freshman Academy that on Fridays, students who have X's for that week are required to attend "X" Factor lunch to complete missing assignments. This is designed to HELP you stay on track without missing class time to complete minor assignments.

Remember, I will never assign busy work as homework. So when possible, I will have you complete work in X factor for half credit rather than have you miss out on the opportunity for practice altogether.