Contact Information

Mrs. Kimberly Eckert

Brusly High School Depart of English

Brusly High School

630 Vaughn Drive

Brusly, LA 70719


Phone: (225) 749-2815

**Email is the best way to reach me outside of the App for text messages. I check email several times a day and respond as soon as I can. Of course, I'll always be available to return phone calls but that can sometimes take a little bit of time. After school, I try to spend as much time with my toddler as possible before she goes to sleep so I try to keep calls after hours to a minimum. Don't worry though, I get back to busily returning emails and Remind texts after she goes to bed.

ways I keep in touch

Your child will be assigned class codes for the platforms I use regularly once the school year begins. I will update those here.

  • This website :-)- I'll update this website with announcements, resources, and class pictures. Each student's personal webpage will also be linked here.
  • Google Classroom: This powerful tool is used regularly for assignments, feed back, class videos, research, course materials, etc. Parents will have access as well if you'd like to stay in the loop of what's happening in class.
  • All Freshman Academy teachers regularly use this app as a way to safely exchange texts with students and parents. I use Remind for homework reminders, pictures from class, and general announcements. Remind told me I sent 1,485 texts last school year! haha Don't worry, MOST of those were returning texts to the 1,472 I received from my classes and their parents.
  • Google Hangouts: Will be used to schedule book chats and student feedback.

Scroll through below for Remind Codes, Google classroom codes, and codes.

Class Codes.docx
Google Classroom