QR Codes

What is a QR Code?

A QR code, or quick response code is similar to a barcode, but can contain much more information.

What types of information can be captured in a QR code?

How are codes read?

You need:

Open the app and hold the camera squarely over the QR code. Once scanned, it will link to whatever information it contains, like a website, or text.

How do you create codes?

Install this Google Chrome Extension. When you visit a page you want to create a code for, go up to your extensions (puzzle piece icon), select Qr Code Generator, and click download. The QR code can be found in your downloads.

Use a site, such as http://www.qrstuff.com, https://qrcode.kaywa.com, https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ to enter your content. The code is created can be downloaded or you can screen shot it (shift - command - 4 on a Mac, print screen on a PC, or use Skitch.) Codes can be printed or placed on a website.

How can QR codes be used in education?