Google Meet

A little clarifying information: Google Hangouts apparently will be splitting into two interlinked products: Google Chat (focusing more on text) and Google Meet (focusing more on video conferencing). Google Meet is what we'll be using for webinars and for synchronous classroom gatherings.

Conceptually Meet is less like a spontaneous phone call, and more like a reserved meeting room. The person who creates the Meet is the "owner" of the room; the calendar event will have a link and other info that will get you into the room.

A Meet can be set up in a Google Calendar event, or you can just go to and start a Meet. To Meet with students, it is best to go to and start a new meet with a nickname. Give the URL and the nickname to students.

How-To Sheet for Staff | How-To for Students

A Meet can be done through a web browser on computer or Chromebook. There is a Google Meet app for phones.

Google Meet Screenshot

Insert Recording into Schoology

How to add Google Meet Grid View from Chrome Web Store

This makes your screen show all participants


Camera not working on Chrome

Check that your camera has permission to run. Look in the right hand side of your search bar for a camera icon. Click on it to check if your camera is blocked.

Microphone not working on Chrome

Check that your microphone has permission to run. Look in the right hand side of your search bar for a camera icon. Click on it to check if your microphone is blocked.

Check that you are not muted. If the mic button is red, you are muted.

Can’t find the mic button? Click on the picture of the speaker (not near the center) and the tool bar on the bottom should reappear (It can get minimized if you have been using the chat feature).

Lagging Connection

Close any extra tabs or programs that are running.

Turn off your camera (this means other participants will see your Google icon)

Chat Function not working

Leave the hangout (the red hangup button) and reenter

Want to focus on one speaker

You can pin one person’s picture in place. Move your cursor over the image of who is speaking. Click on the pushpin icon that comes up.

If you mute someone on accident

That person has to unmute themselves.