

1. Trace the edge! You will create a rectangle that moves around the 4 edges of the drawing panel, leaving a trace as it goes.


try {

Thread.sleep(# of milliseconds);

} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

2. Back and forth! You will create an oval or rectangle that moves between two positions.

*You will have to ERASE the old images.

3. Bouncing ball! You will create an animation of a ball that bounces around the screen.

4. Final Project! Your animation should consist of the following:

  • a main class that runs the animation, using instances of the classes you create and their methods to make something cool happen
  • at least two classes that draw different characters
  • these classes should have the following types of methods:
    • basic draw method (takes position as parameters) - uses the Graphics drawing methods
    • erase method
    • move method (takes x-change and y-change as parameters)
    • moveTo method (takes new position and speed of move as parameters)
    • color change method (takes new color as parameter) - doesn't have to change full color
    • special way of changing the image
    • getX
    • getY