Language Arts 7

Ms. Ketchum

Meet Ms. Ketchum


Mission Statement:

I aim to motivate, inspire, encourage, and support students by providing a safe, secure, and positive environment to educate them socially, emotionally, and cognitively so they can continue to build on a foundation for life-long learning. It is my personal belief that every student has a right to learn. If anyone or anything interferes with that right, it is my responsibility to refocus and realign toward learning. I am endeavoring to create a community within our classroom that fosters life-long learners, independent thinkers, and productive citizens of character. I believe every student is capable of doing difficult things in order to challenge themselves, grow, and overcome setbacks.

I am generally available before and after school to help students and allow them work-time in the classroom. However, please note that if a student needs to make up a quiz or test, unless students or parents make an appointment to meet with me in advance, he/she may be turned away due to pre-scheduled meetings, bus duty, or other school activities I may have. If you have any questions, please email me at

Thank you,

Ms. Ketchum

Course Disclosure

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