Stand- Alone Supporting CTE Courses: Business

Supporting Classes: Business

Interactive Media: Video Editing- Grades 9-12

5232: Want to learn how movies are edited together before hitting the big screen? The focus in Interactive Media: Video Editing will be on the use of Adobe Premiere to edit video for personal and business use.  Learn filming techniques and how to use editing software.  

Personal Financial Responsibility- Grades 11, 12

4540: Personal Financial Responsibility addresses the identification and management of personal financial resources to meet the financial needs and wants of individuals and families, considering a broad range of economic, social, cultural, technological, environmental, and maintenance factors. This course helps students build skills in financial responsibility and decision making; analyze personal standards, needs, wants, and goals; identify sources of income, saving and investing; understand banking, budgeting, record-keeping and managing risk, insurance and credit card debt. A project based approach and applications through authentic settings such as work based observations and service learning experiences are appropriate. Direct, concrete applications of mathematics proficiencies in projects are encouraged.