Daily Schedule
Below is a sample schedule of a typical day at 212 Academy. However, our schedule is flexible and fluid. If we see that students need more or less time on any given activity or experiment, we are able to adapt our schedule. We encourage parents to join us for lunch at the Lovers Lane Soccer Complex when weather permits. Please contact the instructors letting us know you plan to visit so that we can give you an accurate estimate for our lunch time on that date.
8:30-9:15- Arrival, Problem Solving, Logic and/or Creativity Challenges & Morning Debrief
9:15-9:30- Community Time
9:30-10:15- STEAM Challenge
10:15- 11:45- STEAM Content
11:45-12:10- Recess
12:15-:12:45- Lunch
12:45-1:45-Special Interest Labs
1:45- Bus Dismissal to Home School