Support Group

Warepa School Support Group

What do we do?

The WSSG is the organisation, run by parents and caregivers, that organises and runs many fundraising events and projects, including Paddock Golf, Hot Lunches, Christmas Raffles and Telford setup.

The committee meets approximately two afternoons per term, predominantly to consider requests for funding support for extra school resources or activities not covered by Government funding, or requests for WSSG volunteers to help out at school events.

In recent times, the WSSG has helped fund items such as Library resources, Learning App subscriptions, school camp subsidies, electronic equipment, Bike shed, Bike track, Monkey Bars. A Warepa School branded tent to provide extra cover at sports and other events has been another purchase.

The role of the WSSG has always been to support the school in funding those extra items that cannot be afforded under the government funding - we are purely there to support our children and their education in any way that we can.  Often, that is funding the ‘extras.’

The WSSG sits under the umbrella of the Warepa School BOT and is accountable to the BOT, but it funds as a separate entity.  The WSSG will ask the Staff, families and BOT what the school needs help to fund to enhance the learning experiences of the children of Warepa School.  Any new ideas or fundraising must be okayed by the BOT before being undertaken by the WSSG.

For those parents actively part of WSSG, the committee has provided opportunities to meet other parents and caregivers, and also to hear regularly from our staff and school principal. Tasks are not onerous; just to provide support when and how you can. And those involved usually very much enjoy the companionship. 

The need for parents and friends to help is ever present, and we would love to see some new faces, come along and be part of our WSSG.

Our meetings are advertised in the school newsletter. We encourage any parent at the school to come and be involved where they feel they can. 

If you are keen to contribute to the WSSG in any shape or form, we would love to see you!