
If you are interested in enrolling your child at Warepa School please contact either the office; office@warepa.school.nz or Sue Adcock, principal at sueadcock@warepa.school.nz  . 

School Enrolment Form

Transition to School Programme

Warepa School offers a preschool programme 'Warepa Wonders' for pre-school students. The programme is run by Emma Puna, the Junior Class teacher. The children start this programme when they are four and Mrs Puna will be in touch with the parents to arrange.  Warepa Wonders helps future new entrants get used to the school, their teacher and classmates, so when their fifth birthday arrives they are ready for school. 

School Visits

Parents will be contacted by Mrs Puna to arrange personalised school visits, these are usually held in the six weeks leading up to the child's 5th birthday.