

What an absolutely wonderful day our school had in Dunedin with a visit to the Otago Museum where we participated in the Inventors and Inventions Programme as part of our Inquiry this term. This was followed by a play in Tuhura (the old Discovery World), this was amazing and a must for all those who haven't been before. From here we travelled to the pool to swim, slide and dive and then off to the big event - training with the Highlanders!! Our fabulous school was nominated to win a training session with the Highlanders in the Placemakers Punt for Prizes competition, which we won thanks to our nominator Richard Watt! The kids, teachers and parents had the most amazing time. Thanks Richard and Placemakers - we think you both ROCK!!

Thanks to our fabulous parents for helping out and our teachers for their organisation.

In Term 2 our Inquiry was based around Inventions and Toys. During the term we held a Grandparents Day and invited them to bring along something from their childhood or an invention that has made their life easier. There were some very interested students in what was shared and they also enjoyed sharing their terms learning with our very important people.

In term 1 we went on a Community Crawl around Warepa, we focused on historical Warepa and the diversification of the farming community. Special thanks to all those that hosted us and shared their piece of paradise with us. Warepa surely is a very special place!

Athletics is a big focus for all students in term 1, we have Small Schools Athletics in week 3. Those that qualify will then be selected to compete at SOPSSA Athletics held in week 6.

We have participated in Beach Education at Kaka Point, along with learning about how to be safe while swimming in the surf the children played games and also had a swim in the sea. Thanks to a wonderful bunch of parent helpers who were able to help us during the day to make it such a success!