Warepa School Board 

Warepa School Board 

Warepa School has a very enthusiastic and driven Board. The Board consists of elected members of parents or community members, the Principal and an elected staff member. Meetings are held once a month at school. 

The Trustees are responsible for all school operations and set the direction for the school through our school Charter/Strategic Plan.

All of New Zealand's state and state-integrated schools have a Board. The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school. The board is the employer of all staff in the school, is responsible for setting the school's strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration. 

Parents are welcome to attend Board Meetings. If there are issues to be discussed these should go through the appropriate channels; staff, principal and then if needed discussed with a Board Member before the meeting.

Board Members

Presiding Member: Daniel Maze

Principal:  Sue Adcock

Treasurer: Sharon Jenkinson

Staff Representative: Amanda Hyslop

Parent Representative: Daniel Maze

Parent Representative: Morgan Lindsay

Parent Representative: 

Parent Representative: