Civic Engagement

Local, National, and Online Civic Organizations

  • Massachusetts will be voting in 2018 to repeal the non-discrimination law protecting the rights of transgender people. Freedom Massachusetts is joining together with many statewide and community leaders to defeat this dangerous initiative and are looking for volunteers to help with their campaign. Call now to help!

  • A non-profit organization in Boston dedicated through their various programs to inspire and empower the Black, Latinx, People of Color (POC) of the LGBTQ+ community.

  • New Leaders Institute is a leadership development program for LGBTQ+ youth of color between the ages of 13-25.

  • The MassTPC works to end discrimination based on gender identity or expression. Using collective action, they work to educate the public, advocate and engage with the ultimate goal of ending gender identity bias and oppression.

  • A network of LGBTQ+ Asian, South Asian, Southeastern Asian, and Pacific Islander organizations seeking to develop LGBTQ+ leadership, build and strengthen advocacy groups, and educate communities, while adding racial justice to the conversations about LGBTQ+ people. Offers many educational programs and conferences advocating for LGBTQ+ people and offering support for their families.

  • A national organizing collective led by transgender women of color committed to empowering, advocating, promoting leadership and sharing the stories of transgender people of color.