
Sheltering In-Place

There are a lot of radio prepper videos on YouTube, the majority based around fantasy scenarios involving evacuations to mountain redoubts pre-stocked with supplies to survive a zombie apocalypse.

This video, however, is perhaps the best, level-headed, real world overview of what most of us will face - a severe weather event in a densely populated area

Put together by Scott Conover, AC2FV, the video reviews his experience riding out the 9/11 attacks and Super Storm Sandy while sheltering in-place on Long Island

A lot of good observations and lessons learned, and very well presented

Puerto Rico - the Good, the Bad and the..

Lessons are still being learned from the communications challenges presented by the 2017 Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico relief effort. This excellent video, done by the Chesapeake (Virginia) ARES group, covers a presentation by Mike Logan, KM4VUO, who deployed to Puerto Rico (with his own radio gear!) as part of the federal government SHARES program.

It is a brutally honest overview of the communications challenges found on the island, and Mike manages to do it without finger pointing or assigning blame. His goal was simply to identify the problems so they are not repeated

A lot of great information on what did, and did not, work - and why