
2020 Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

The 2020 ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET) takes place on 03 October. For Georgia ARES this year's scenario involves a significant earthquake event that impacts the entire state. For more specific information on the SET, to include key documents, check the GA ARES SET Repository page.

Information specific to Fayette County's SET planning and operations can be found at this link

ARRL Field Day

Field Day is an ARRL sponsored event held on the last full weekend in June. Fayette ARES normally co-sponsors local Field Day activities with the Fayette County Amateur Radio Club, KK4GQ

2018 Fall Field Day

On 10 November the FCARC & Fayette ARES held an informal Fall Field Day event at Starr's Mill Park in Fayette County. One of the highlights of the event was training on Winlink over HF and VHF. The weather was beautiful, if a little cold, and we had a good turn-out of local hams who had previously learned about how to use Winlink over Telnet, but never saw it demonstrated via RF.

For pictures of the Fall Field Day event click here

The Tri-PTC

The Tri-PTC sprint triathalon is held every year in Peachtree City, Georgia. The Tri-PTC organization has relied on ARES communication support since it started in 2002. This is a core communications activity for the Fayette ARES, Coweta ARES and KKGQ, and our support has made the Tri-PTC a safe, successful and nationally recognized event

For pictures of ARES participation in the 2018 Tri-PTC event click here