
Fayette ARES has adopted the ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book as the standard training and experience documentation tool

All Fayette ARES members should fill out the task book and bring it to our monthly KK4GQ club meetings, along with appropriate documentation, for task sign-off by the Fayette ARES EC

Being an effective ARES communicator takes training and experience, and it doesn't happen overnight

Just holding an Amateur Radio licenses and owning a radio doesn't make you an effective communicator. Basic communications proficiency starts with regular practice and participation. Every ARES member should focus on:

Regular net participation

Serving as a net control on a routine basis

Participation in exercises, drills and special events that 'stress test' your skills and equipment configurations

Net Operations

Communicating as part of a directed radio net is the fundamental skill that all ARES members need to master

Whether you are operating using voice or digital modes, you need to know proper net procedures and net discipline to ensure effective communications

Resources for net operations can be found in the Net Operations resource folder

Digital Mode Operations

Digitial mode operations are becoming increasingly important to our served agencies. They are concerned with accurate message handling, non-voice data transfer (images, attached files, etc.) and a digital log or record of communications activities for off-line review, action and historical analysis

For this reason Fayette ARES will begin focusing on digital modes training. The two digital mode packages that Fayette ARES leadership has adopted are Winlink and Fldgi running PSK. To support this requirement we've established two separate Training sub-pages for each package:



FEMA ICS Training

FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) Training is now a basic training requirement with Fayette ARES!

The FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) has established a series of core classes that provide an excellent foundation for understanding and being able to operate within the Incident Command System (ICS)

ICS is a standardized incident response & management system that is used by all levels of government, from local to federal. Therefore, knowledge of the basics of the ICS system is critical for all Fayette ARES members.

Fayette ARES is requiring that all members complete the following courses:

ICS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System

IS-700: NIMS, an Introduction

Additional recommended ICS training includes:

ICS-200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

IS-800: National Response Framework (NRF), an Introduction

The training is free, but you do have to register with FEMA to take the courses

Once you complete a course notify the Fayette County EC, Lynn Bianco, KN4YZ at so we can update your record in the Fayette ARES member database