A Day at School

Step into a student's shoes for a day!

Getting on the bus:

  • Put on a mask (from home) and use provided hand sanitizer before boarding. There will be a limited number of disposable masks available if you don't have one.

  • You will sit in your family groups, in assigned seats.

  • If you are waiting for a bus at an in-town stop you should wear your mask.

  • You will use hand sanitizer when you leave the bus.

  • Busses will be fogged and sanitized upon returning to school.


  • Middle School and High School classrooms will not be open to students until 8:00 am.

  • Elementary student will remain in the foyer if they arrive prior to 8:00 am.

  • You will put on your mask before entering the building. Use hand sanitizer provided at the door.

  • All students will go directly to their classroom. They can drop items off at their locker on the way.


  • If you ate at home, you will stay in your classroom until school begins.

  • If you are eating school breakfast, you will go to the lunchroom for breakfast. You will need to wear you mask when going through the breakfast line and will need to social distance while eating. After eating proceed to your classroom.

Class Routine:

  • Elementary students:

      • Your teacher will give you breaks from wearing your mask. If you are working at your desk, go outside, or they feel you are socially distanced enough from your classmates, you will take it off!

      • Your teacher will establish a restroom and hand washing/sanitizing routine. Because you do not change desks, you may sanitize between subjects or when you leave your desk and return.

      • Your teacher will work to make your desk as far apart from other students as possible, with everyone facing the same way.

      • Your desk will be disinfected while you are at lunch and after school. Your teacher may even do it themselves throughout the day as well.

      • You will only use your own supplies, so make sure they are ready to go in your desk or pencil box!

      • Guidance and Music will come to your room.

      • There will be some picnic tables/outdoor classrooms for students to take their work outside for fresh air and a mask break and for lunch!

  • Middle/High School students:

      • Your teacher will give you breaks from wearing your mask. If you are working at your desk, go outside, or they feel you are socially distanced enough from your classmates, you will take it off!

      • You will only get to go to your locker before school and after school. This means you will have to have your books, chromebook, and everything else with you. You can use a backpack, but please make sure it is properly stored in a safe place (your teacher will tell you where) during class. Keep desk aisles clear and safe from trip hazards!

      • At the end of each class period, your teacher will spray down your desk with a disinfectant that has a 3 minute drying time. As the bell rings and you move on to your next class, the disinfectant will dry and the desk will be ready for the next student!

      • When the bell rings, you wear your mask and will move in a clock-wise rotation in the hallways that surround the library. This helps reduce exposure and will be an expectation for all when the hallways are busy. If your class is NOT in one of these hallways, you will stay on the right side (like a car on the road!).

      • Your teacher may allow bottle refills, restroom breaks, and other necessities during non-instructional time.

      • There will be some picnic tables/outdoor classroom space for students to take their work outside for fresh air and a mask break as well as lunch!


  • Teachers will walk you to the Commons.

  • You will sit in grade-level groups at tables, spread out to ensure a safe eating space These groups will remain the same each day for an extended amount of time.

  • You will be released to get in lunch line by table (in order to ensure a short, spread out line). You will be wearing a mask as you go through the lunch line

  • You will use hand sanitizer before entering the kitchen.

  • When you reach the kitchen, you will verbally say your lunch number (not touch the keypad) and be provided milk and silverware.

  • As you move through the line, all food items will be served onto your tray.

  • There will be a number of picnic tables set up outside for you to eat. Your lunch monitor will let you know when you have that as an option--it may be your choice or allowed by grade/table groups, depending on age group.

End of Day Release:

  • Students will be released in an orderly manner to encourage social distancing.

  • Put on a mask (from home) and use provided hand sanitizer before boarding. There will be a limited number of disposable masks available if you don't have one.

  • You will sit in your family groups, in assigned seats.

  • You will use hand sanitizer when you leave the bus.

  • Buses will be fogged and sanitized upon returning to school.