STEM Education Collaboratory

About STEM Lab


Instruction & Collaboration

The Instruction and Collaboration area includes the two SMART Boards, the Instructor Station and workbench, the four group work areas, and the back conversation area. In the workbench and under the SMART Boards are cabinets that faculty can use to store personal or grant-purchased equipment and supplies. There is also a cabinet for guest presenters to store materials in preparation for special events. One side of the three movable white boards can also be used as part of Instruction area. In addition, there are the Windows and Mac computers as part of the Instructor Station. The group work tables are rated for use with chemicals, as is the workbench.

Digital Media

The Digital Media area includes the space between the movable white boards and the windows. The counter holds ten Mac computers, the 3-D printer, and one Windows computer. This area can be separated from the Instruction and Collaboration area by the movable white boards, which can also be used as a part of this area.

Science and Technology Lab

The Science and Technology Lab area includes the space on the wall opposite the windows. It includes the fume hood, refrigerator, workbench and sink, and laminar flow cabinet. The equipment and supplies in the cabinets are designed for science and technology labs and can be utilized by anyone using the STEM Education Collaboratory.


Behind the glass partition is the Prototyping Lab area. This space is designed to allow designers to create physical prototypes of their ideas. It includes hand tools, both powered and manual, and table-mounted tools to work with woods, metals, and plastics. There are also workbenches where groups or individuals can create.

Computers and Software

Instructor Station

There are two instructor stations available. Instructors can use switcher to choose from either the Mac operating system or the Windows operating system. Both of these can easily be selected to be seen on the SMART Boards. Save all work that has been done on a personal drive or personal web based storage. Files downloaded or stored locally on the instructor stations will be deleted periodically. The staff of the STEM Collaboratory will not be responsible for lost, downloaded, saved or unsaved work. After finishing with your work please remember to shut down the station(s) that you have been using and all personal devices that have been plugged in.


The iMacs in STEM Collaboratory are all capable of running the Windows operating system if you need to use a program that only runs on Windows or if you are more comfortable in that environment. The computer loads into the stem lab user account so there is no need to enter a password. Each of the iMacs has a wireless keyboard and mouse associated with it. Please do not move these to another station. If you are having trouble with the mouse or keyboard at any time notify the staff person on duty so the batteries can be replaced. Save all work done on the computer to a personal drive or in a personal web based account. All files downloaded or stored locally on the computer will be deleted periodically. The staff of the STEM Collaboratory will not be responsible for lost, downloaded, saved or unsaved documents. There is an additional PC desktop in this area. It is located in the back of the classroom area. This PC will be used only for printing projects from the 3-D printer. After finishing your work please shut down all computers, returning the computer, keyboard and mouse to the location and state you found them in.


A survey, available on the website, has been created to request additional software to be loaded onto the computers in the lab. Please fill out the survey and allow at least 2 weeks for the requested software to be loaded once it has been approved. You will be notified via e-mail about the status of approval. The current list of software that is available on the computes in the lab is in the Resources section of the website.


STEM lab has 15 iPads (iPad 3) for lab-use only. If a faculty wants to use the iPads for his/her class or research project, please contact the Lab Manager at least one week in advance.

Purchasing/Downloading Apps:

  • If a faculty wants to download free apps installed on the iPads, for research and/or class, please provide detailed information about the apps to the Lab Manager at least one week in advance, and then the lab manager will install the apps on the iPads.

  • If a faculty wants to purchase apps and install on the iPads, for research and/ or class, the faculty member must send the title, purpose of the app, and cost of the app to the Manager at least two weeks in advance. The Lab Manager will then send an email or meet with the A.D. of OIT to approve the purchase of the app(s). After purchase approval of the app(s) has been obtained the Lab Manager will then install the apps on the iPads.

Personal data and information:

The iPad comes with a suite of preloaded apps, but a user may use their own iTunes account to download apps or other digital files with the understanding that the iPad will be restored with the preloaded setting and all installed files and apps will be wiped upon return. The STEM Collaboratory staff is not responsible for any files, information, and apps left on any iPad.

© 2021 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University