
One of the university’s primary platforms for interactive video, lecture capture, and video content management. These cloud-based tools offer intuitive setup, automated central storage for video assets, mobile compatibility, flexibility for large and small courses, and robust analytics, plus easy integration with other Virginia Tech tools like Canvas, Google Apps, and Office365. is the premier online learning provider of creative technology training. The service offers a library of training in subject areas such as animation, audio and video editing, software development, photography, and graphic and web design. The service is free to Virginia Tech students, faculty, and staff.

The Graduate School is providing a new resource and tool to help graduate students with their major papers, such as theses and dissertations. Students and faculty now can use iThenticate to verify originality of documents prepared by graduate students.

The 3D Design Studio provides free 3d printing, workshops, and 3D design & printer consultation for all Virginia Tech library patrons.

Networked Learning Initiatives (NLI), formerly the Faculty Development Institute (FDI), is a centralized, cross-discipline professional development program available to all Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and graduate students. As a unit of Technology-enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS), NLI facilitates and leverages campus-wide partnerships to offer programming and training opportunities designed to foster technology integration and increase digital fluency for faculty, staff, and students at Virginia Tech.

This is an online download portal where all of our hard-copy and multimedia-based tutorials for different tools and content areas are available, including SMART Board introduction and tutorials for SMART Learning Suite, scanning equipments introduction and tutorials, and tutorials for video transformation, duplicator, drawing tablet, and transcription kit.

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