History of Computing Workshop: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the assigned readings?

A. The readings are likely to include selections from Joy Lisi Rankin , Janet Abbate, Mar Hicks, Safiya Noble, Ruha Benjamin, Shoshanna Zuboff, and more. The final assignments will be developed in consultation with participants.

Q. How many participants will be selected for the workshop?

A. The final number will depend on the application pool and sources of funding. The workshop will have at least four participants, and possibly more.

Q. I may not be able to attend all the meetings in May June -- may I still apply?

A. Priority will be assigned to applicants who can attend all the meetings. If you cannot attend certain meetings, please indicate so on the survey.

Q. How do I know if I am eligible to receive a stipend?

A. Please check with your graduate program director or graduate coordinator regarding your eligibility to receive a stipend of $2500 during summer 2020. The stipend will be paid in two allotments, one for summer I and one for summer II. Further questions about eligibility may be directed to the workshop director, Tom Ewing.

Q. My teaching assignments may not include the History / STS / CS course, but I would like to find ways to integrate the history of computing into other courses. May I apply?

A. Yes. Priority will be given to applicants likely to teach HIST / STS / CS 3034, but you are welcome to apply. Please indicate in the survey how participating in this workshop connects to your teaching, research, and professional development.

Q. I took part in the Data in Social Context workshop in 2019. May I apply?

A. Yes, please do.

Q. Will the payment be made as a stipend or hourly wage?

A. A stipend, with two payments over the summer.

Q, I am not eligible for a graduate assistant stipend in the summer. May I be paid as wages?

A. No, only stipends are possible.

Q. Why did the survey have two deadlines: May 7 and May 9? Which is correct?

A. May 9 is the deadline, and the survey been corrected. My apologies for the confusion.

Q. I am enrolling in a graduate program in fall 2020 as a new student. May I take part in the workshop?

A. Maybe. Go ahead and apply, and we can look into options if you are accepted.

Q. Why was the survey unavailable for a time on Saturday morning? Is it open again?

A. The survey was unavailable because the workshop director can't read a calendar and got confused. It's open again.

Q. The deadline is May 9. What time on May 9?

A. Any time on May 9, which is a Saturday, a fact the director learned by looking at a calendar.

Q. When will notifications be sent about workshop participation?

A. Notifications will be sent by Thursday, May 14, slightly later than planned.